Unleashing the Power of Custom QAbstractItemModel or QAbstractItemView: Build an Explorer-like Interface
Image by Katrien - hkhazo.biz.id

Unleashing the Power of Custom QAbstractItemModel or QAbstractItemView: Build an Explorer-like Interface

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In the world of Qt development, working with models and views can be a daunting task, especially when dealing with complex data structures. In this article, we’ll embark on a journey to create a custom QAbstractItemModel or QAbstractItemView that mimics the functionality of a file explorer, showcasing the power of Qt’s model-view architecture.

Why Custom QAbstractItemModel or QAbstractItemView?

Qt’s built-in models and views are incredibly versatile, but sometimes they don’t quite fit the bill. By creating a custom QAbstractItemModel or QAbstractItemView, you can tailor your data representation to your specific needs, allowing for a more intuitive and user-friendly interface. In this case, we’ll create a custom model that mirrors the hierarchical structure of a file explorer.

The File Explorer Analogy

Imagine a file explorer, where folders are nested within each other, and files reside within those folders. This hierarchical structure is the perfect candidate for a custom QAbstractItemModel. By modeling our data after this structure, we can create a intuitive interface that allows users to navigate and interact with our data in a familiar way.

Creating the Custom QAbstractItemModel

To begin, let’s define our custom model, which we’ll call `ExplorerModel`. This model will inherit from `QAbstractItemModel` and provide the necessary infrastructure for our hierarchical data structure.

class ExplorerModel : public QAbstractItemModel

    ExplorerModel(QObject *parent = nullptr);

    // Overridden methods
    QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const override;
    QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &child) const override;
    int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override;
    int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const override;
    QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const override;
    bool hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) const override;

    // Data structure to hold our hierarchical data
    QHash<QString, QVariant> mData;

Defining the Data Structure

In our example, we’ll use a `QHash` to store our hierarchical data. Each key in the hash represents a folder or file, and the corresponding value is a `QVariant` that contains the folder’s contents or the file’s metadata.

QHash<QString, QVariant> mData = {
    {"Root", QVariant::fromValue(QList({
        QVariant::fromValue("Folder 1"),
        QVariant::fromValue("Folder 2"),
        QVariant::fromValue("File 1.txt")
    {"Folder 1", QVariant::fromValue(QList({
        QVariant::fromValue("Subfolder 1"),
        QVariant::fromValue("File 2.txt")
    {"Folder 2", QVariant::fromValue(QList({
        QVariant::fromValue("Subfolder 2"),
        QVariant::fromValue("File 3.txt")
    {"Subfolder 1", QVariant::fromValue(QList({
        QVariant::fromValue("File 4.txt")
    {"Subfolder 2", QVariant::fromValue(QList({
        QVariant::fromValue("File 5.txt")

Implementing the Model’s Methods

Now that we have our data structure in place, let’s implement the necessary methods to make our model functional.

index() Method

The `index()` method returns a QModelIndex object that corresponds to the given row and column. We’ll use this method to traverse our hierarchical data structure.

QModelIndex ExplorerModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
    if (!parent.isValid()) {
        // Return the root index
        return createIndex(0, column, "Root");

    // Get the parent folder's contents
    QVariant parentData = mData[parent.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString()];
    QList parentContents = parentData.value>();

    // Return the child index
    return createIndex(row, column, parentContents[row]);

parent() Method

The `parent()` method returns the parent QModelIndex object of a given child index. We’ll use this method to navigate upwards in our hierarchical structure.

QModelIndex ExplorerModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const
    // Get the child's data
    QVariant childData = mData[child.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString()];
    QString parentKey;

    // Find the parent key
    for (auto it = mData.begin(); it != mData.end(); ++it) {
        if (it.value() == childData) {
            parentKey = it.key();

    // Return the parent index
    return createIndex(mData.keys().indexOf(parentKey), 0, parentKey);

rowCount() and columnCount() Methods

The `rowCount()` and `columnCount()` methods return the number of rows and columns, respectively, for a given QModelIndex. In our case, we’ll return the number of child items for each folder.

int ExplorerModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
    if (!parent.isValid()) {
        // Return the number of top-level folders
        return mData.keys().size();

    // Return the number of child items for the folder
    QVariant folderData = mData[parent.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString()];
    return folderData.value>().size();

int ExplorerModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const
    // Our model has a single column
    return 1;

data() Method

The `data()` method returns the data associated with a given QModelIndex role. We’ll use this method to display the folder and file names in our view.

QVariant ExplorerModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
    if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) {
        // Return the folder or file name
        return mData[index.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString()];

    return QVariant();

hasChildren() Method

The `hasChildren()` method returns a boolean indicating whether a given QModelIndex has child items. We’ll use this method to determine whether a folder has subfolders or files.

bool ExplorerModel::hasChildren(const QModelIndex &parent) const
    if (!parent.isValid()) {
        // The root index always has children
        return true;

    // Check if the folder has child items
    QVariant folderData = mData[parent.data(Qt::DisplayRole).toString()];
    return !folderData.value>().isEmpty();

Creating the Custom QAbstractItemView

Now that we have our custom model, let’s create a custom view that leverages its functionality. We’ll create a `ExplorerView` class that inherits from `QTreeView`.

class ExplorerView : public QTreeView

    ExplorerView(QWidget *parent = nullptr);

    // Overridden methods
    void setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model) override;

Implementing the View’s Methods

We’ll override the `setModel()` method to connect our custom model to the view.

void ExplorerView::setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model)

    // Connect the model's signals to the view's slots
    connect(model, &QAbstractItemModel::dataChanged, this, &ExplorerView::updateView);

void ExplorerView::updateView(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
    // Update the view to reflect changes in the model
    QTreeView::update(topLeft.row(), topLeft.column(), bottomRight.row(), bottomRight.column());

Putting it all Together

Now that we have our custom model and view, let’s create a simple application that showcases their functionality.

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication app(argc, argv);

    // Create the custom model and view
    ExplorerModel model;
    ExplorerView view;

    // Set the model to the view

    // Display the view

    return app.exec();

The Result

After running the application, you should see a tree view that displays our hierarchical data structure, with folders and files nestled within each other. You can navigate the structure by expanding and collapsing folders, and selecting files to view their metadata.


Frequently Asked Question

Get insider knowledge on creating a custom QAbstractItemModel or QAbstractItemView like explorer with these frequently asked questions!

What is the primary purpose of creating a custom QAbstractItemModel?

The primary purpose of creating a custom QAbstractItemModel is to provide a tailored data model that suits your specific application needs. By subclassing QAbstractItemModel, you can create a model that reflects the structure and behavior of your data, enabling you to efficiently display and manipulate complex data sets.

How do I implement a hierarchical data structure in my custom QAbstractItemModel?

To implement a hierarchical data structure, you’ll need to override the rowCount() and index() methods to manage the parent-child relationships between items. You’ll also need to implement the data() method to provide the actual data for each item. By doing so, you’ll enable your model to handle complex hierarchical data structures, just like the Windows Explorer!

What is the role of QAbstractItemView in creating a custom explorer-like interface?

QAbstractItemView plays a crucial role in creating a custom explorer-like interface by providing a visualization of the data model. By subclassing QAbstractItemView, you can create a custom view that displays the data in a hierarchical structure, allowing users to navigate and interact with the data. You can customize the view to display icons, text, and other visual elements that make your interface look and feel like a native file explorer!

How do I handle drag-and-drop functionality in my custom explorer-like interface?

To handle drag-and-drop functionality, you’ll need to implement the necessary event handlers and functions in your custom QAbstractItemModel and QAbstractItemView. This includes overriding methods like dropMimeData() and startDrag() to enable dragging and dropping of items within your interface. With some clever coding, you can create a seamless drag-and-drop experience that rivals the built-in file explorer!

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when creating a custom QAbstractItemModel or QAbstractItemView?

One common pitfall is not properly implementing the necessary methods and signals, leading to unexpected behavior or crashes. Another mistake is not handling errors and exceptions properly, which can cause data corruption or loss. Finally, not thoroughly testing your custom model and view can lead to unexpected behavior or bugs. By being aware of these potential pitfalls, you can avoid common mistakes and create a robust and reliable custom explorer-like interface!

Folder/File Metadata
Root Top-level folder
Folder 1