Vaadin Grid Filter Not Working When DataView is Updated? Let’s Fix It!
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Vaadin Grid Filter Not Working When DataView is Updated? Let’s Fix It!

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If you’re reading this, you’re probably frustrated because your Vaadin Grid filter isn’t working as expected when you update the DataView. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This is a common gotcha that many developers face when working with Vaadin Grid. In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this issue and provide a step-by-step guide to fix it.

Understanding the Problem

When you update the DataView, the Grid’s filter doesn’t automatically refresh. This means that the filter doesn’t take into account the new data, leading to incorrect filtering results. But why does this happen?

The reason lies in how Vaadin Grid handles filtering when the DataView is updated. By default, the Grid only updates its filter when the DataView is initially set or when the filter criteria are changed. If the DataView is updated without changing the filter criteria, the Grid won’t refresh its filter.

Symptoms of the Issue

Before we dive into the solution, let’s identify the symptoms of this issue:

  • The Grid filter doesn’t update when the DataView is updated.
  • The Grid filter shows incorrect results or doesn’t filter the data at all.
  • The Grid’s filter seems to work only when the DataView is initially set.

The Solution: Refreshing the Grid Filter

Now that we understand the problem, let’s fix it! To refresh the Grid filter when the DataView is updated, you need to programmatically refresh the filter. There are two ways to do this:

Method 1: Using `grid.refresh()`

The simplest way to refresh the Grid filter is to call the `refresh()` method on the Grid instance. This method will reapply the filter criteria to the updated DataView.


Just call this method after updating the DataView, and the Grid filter should refresh accordingly.

Method 2: Using `grid.getDataProvider(). refreshAll()`

An alternative way to refresh the Grid filter is to call the `refreshAll()` method on the Grid’s data provider. This method will refresh the entire data provider, including the filter.


This method is useful when you need to refresh the entire data provider, not just the filter.

Example Code

Let’s consider an example where we have a Grid displaying a list of users, and we want to filter the users based on their names. We’ll update the DataView when a new user is added, and then refresh the Grid filter using the `refresh()` method.

// Create a Grid with a DataView
Grid<User> grid = new Grid<>(User.class);
ListDataProvider<User> dataProvider = DataProvider.ofCollection(users);

// Add a filter to the Grid
grid.getColumns().forEach(column -> column.setFilterable(true));

// Update the DataView when a new user is added
dataProvider.addItem(new User("John Doe"));

// Refresh the Grid filter

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still experiencing issues with the Grid filter, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  1. Verify that you’re calling `refresh()` or `refreshAll()` on the correct Grid instance.
  2. Check that the DataView is updated correctly before refreshing the Grid filter.
  3. Ensure that the filter criteria are correct and haven’t changed.
  4. Verify that the Grid’s filter is enabled and not disabled programmatically.


In this article, we’ve addressed the common issue of the Vaadin Grid filter not working when the DataView is updated. By understanding the problem and applying the solutions provided, you should now be able to refresh the Grid filter successfully. Remember to troubleshoot carefully and verify that the DataView is updated correctly before refreshing the filter.

Resource Description
Vaadin Grid Documentation Vaadin’s official documentation on Grid, including filtering and DataView.
Vaadin Forum Vaadin’s community forum, where you can ask questions and get help from experts.

Thanks for reading, and happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most pressing questions about Vaadin Grid filter not working when Dataview is updated!

Why does the Vaadin Grid filter stop working when I update the Dataview?

This is because the Dataview update doesn’t automatically reapply the filters. You need to call `grid.getDataProvider().refreshAll()` after updating the Dataview to reapply the filters.

I’m using a lazy loading Dataview, does that affect the filter?

Yes, lazy loading can cause issues with filtering. Make sure to load all the data before applying the filter or use `grid.getDataProvider().refreshAll()` to reapply the filters after loading new data.

Can I use a filter delegate to fix the filtering issue?

Yes, implementing a filter delegate can help you control the filtering process. This way, you can manually apply the filter to the updated Dataview data and reapply it when the data changes.

What if I’m using a Grid with an in-memory Dataview?

In this case, when you update the Dataview, the filter should work as expected since the data is already loaded in memory. However, if you’re still experiencing issues, try calling `grid.getDataProvider().refreshAll()` to reapply the filters.

Are there any performance considerations when using filters with Dataview updates?

Yes, reapplying filters can impact performance, especially with large datasets. Consider using lazy loading, filtering, and paginating your data to minimize the amount of data being processed and improve performance.